Looking for Simon

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Simon, a young German doctor living and working in Marseille, vanishes, leaving no information. His apartment is empty. Valérie, his mother, is desperate. She doesn't understand the reason for his disappearance. Therefore she asks Jens, the former boyfriend of Simon, to come to Marseille and help her in her search for her son.

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Direction: Jan Krüger

Script: Jan Krüger

Production: Schramm Film, Neon Productions, WDR

Cast: Corinna Harfouch, Nico Rogner, Valérie Leroy, Mehdi Dehbi, Mireille Perrier, Trystan Pütter

Original Title: Auf der Suche

Original Languages: German, English, French

Subtitles: German

Film Production Countries: Germany, France


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